How To Make Motichur Laddu

How To Make Motichur Laddu 


  • Besan- 125 gm
  • Water-200 ml [make flowing consistency]
  • Ghee-1 tsp
  • oil for frying 
  • Water-100ml
  • Sugar-200 gm
  • Melon seeds-2 tsps
  • Cardamom Powder-1/2 tsp
  • Orange Food colour 2 big pinches


  • First  mix besan , ghee and food colour
  • Pour water in besan and mix till you  get desired consistency
  • it will take 20 to 30 minutes time to become little thick
  • Then add 3 tsps water and mix well
  • Next take pan, pour oil in pan, heat the oil
  • Once the oil stops sizzling, start removing the boondis. keep the flame low
  • keep the boondis in a strainer so that the excess oil can be drained out. you should not fry this for long time because we are looking for soft boondis
  • After  boondi frying is done make sugar syrup
  • Add sugar and water in a pan followed by food color and cardamom powder 
  • when sugar crystal is dissolved completely, add the boondis.
  • Now cook on low to medium flame for 6-7 minutes
  • Because of cooking the boondis in sugar syrup, it will be super moist.But make sure remove the boondis when it is still moist. Else the boondis will be crystallized.
  • When it is done take out in a plate and allow it to cool down.
  • sprinkle some melon seeds to it for nutty crunch. if you want you can add cashews, raisins or pistachio as well.
  • When the mixture is cooled down,start making balls/ laddus.
  • Press it tightly and make round.
  • So motichur laddus are done. Now you can enjoy motichur laddus at home.


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